"Paranoia Agent, ugh creepy, but still pretty awesome. However Cowboy Bebop is my #1. Great list !"
"Perfect! Perfect perfect ! Perfect list and perfect job girl !"
"Oh my god so disturbing, but so interesting. You did it again, you made an awesome list my friend !"
"Hah lol, but yeah we really need a one like this of Listal."
"Still haven't seen Toy Story 3.. Otherwise pretty same taste as I got, but to me Cars is "the worst" and Ratatouille is a lot more higher. But great list !"
"Woah, this is awesome. Pokémon makes Burtons. But once again great list, my friend !"
"Haha, I was wondering same as Wrecky. But great list ! And don't worry, I've already voted for this list."
"..Grhm. I still think this is good. The list I mean. Where the fuck you get these ideas?"
"Al looks so hot in those gifs ._. but yeah, why do you do to me favorite gangster movie list according to my taste? I could have done myself, but thank you for your trouble Busc's slut."