"Just five! Omg, this is a real challenge. 1. Blade Runner (Rutger Hauer's scene) 2. Edward Scissorhands (hum, is snowfall counted? If is not, the fifth will be V for Vendetta [img id=1346813 width=1"

"Ugh, I agree about Scarlett Johansson. I just can't see any beauty.. Great list still ! ^^"

"Suggestion of Tim Roth: "-- A few character-forming years spent jumping up and down at contemporary clubs like the Music Machine and Vortex, shouting "Kill the hippies" and trying to get off with pun"

"Oh my god, this is awesome! is gonna be Reservoir Dogs Friday. "

"And here you're. Fucking with me again. Suggestions: American Psycho, Christian Bale A Clockwork Orange, Alex The Dark Knight, Joker No Country for Old Men, Anton Chigurh Funny Game"

"Hahaha, what the fuck is this list even about? I don't really know, but it's hilarious. True totally lol."

"Uh, awesome and interesting list !"

"Aivan loistava lista, voi herranjumala. Pystyn niin samaistumaan suhun, etenkin Sex Pistolsin löytämisen aikoihin mulla oli aivan sama juttu yläasteella, mutta uskon että sulla varmaan enemmän ko"

"True. Some of these are masters to portrait creepy characters, but at the same time being "normal". I'd suggest Steve Buscemi, Jack Nicholson, Johnny Depp and Christopher Walken 'cause they define cre"

"Wtf, I'm not even sure did I understand completely what this list is about, but at least I laughed at your comments. So, vote."

"Haha, I didn't even notice first you were sarcastic and I was like WTF. But great list ^^"

"Awesome list once again. Even as not finished."

"Awesome list! I enjoyed reading this, but not in that way lol. This was just a really interesting to read. I feel sorry for Sharon Tate's fate though.. I wonder what makes people go so nuts and do su"